Final term Revision


  1. What is a line follower Robot? Explain with code. (5)

Line follower car is a simple robot that uses IR sensors to detect a Black line and follow it.

Here's how it works:

Eyes (Sensors): The robot has special eyes called sensors. These sensors can see the ground and tell whether they are on the line or off the line.

Brain (Microcontroller): Inside the robot, there's a tiny brain called a microcontroller. It's like the robot's smart computer. It gets information from the sensors and makes decisions about what the robot should do.

Legs (Motors): The robot has legs, which are little wheels with motors attached to them. These wheels help the robot move.

Instructions (Code): Someone, like you or a programmer, gives the robot a set of instructions, like a recipe. These instructions tell the robot what to do when it sees the line.

Now, let's say we draw a black line on a white surface, like a path. The robot's job is to follow this path. The logic behind the line follower car is given below:

If (Left Sensor detects black)

→Go straight

If (R.S. detects black)

→ Go straight

If (L.S. detects White)

→Turn Right

If (R.S. detects black)

→Tum Left.

  1. List 5 projects that you can build with Sajilobot and servo motors and explain briefly about each. (5)

The 5 projects are listed below

  • Automatic Fish Feeder:

We can make an automatic Fish feeder using Sajilobot and a servo motor to dispense precise amounts of food at scheduled times, ensuring your friend gets fed even when you're away.

  • Automatic Dustbin:

We can make an automatic dustbin using an ultrasonic sensor, a Sajilobot and a servo motor to automatically open the lid as a person comes near.

  • Automatic Gate:

We can make an automatic gate using an ultrasonic sensor, a Sajilobot and a servo motor to automatically open the lid as a person comes near.

  • Robotic Arm:

We can make a robotic arm using servo motors and Sajilobot which can move like human arm

  • Rotating Display:

We can make a rotating display using a Sajilobot and servo motor that can rotate in different patterns unlike regular motors.

(you can also give your ideas)

  1. How can you build a four-wheeled rover Using Sajilobot? Give your idea. (5)

We can easily Make a four-wheeled rover using Sajilobot by following the steps & procedure

Materials required

1. Sajilobot

2. Bo-Motor & Wheels

3. Outer Body of Battle Bot  

4. Jumper wires

5. Battery holder & Batteries


1. Make a Case/Housing (chassis) for our Sajilobot to keep it safe

2. Attach Motors and wheels to our chassis

3. Add Battery holder and wire connections accordingly

4. Create holes + Connect electronics.

5. Decorate your Rovers exterior accordingly.

Since we will be using a Bluetooth module we need to add Bluetooth-compatible code.

  1. Explain ultrasonic sensors in detail. (5)

An ultrasonic sensor is a device that emits high-frequency sound waves and measures the time it takes for the waves to bounce back after hitting an object.


By calculating the time difference between emission and reception, the sensor can determine the distance to the object, enabling applications like obstacle detection, distance measurement, and object avoidance in robotics and automation.

  1. What are satellites? Explain different modules of satellite.(5)

Satellites are objects primarily Revolving around planets, The Moon is our natural satellite. Artificial Satellites are Man-made Satellites that perform Specific Mission or tasks while orbiting a planet

Building a Satellite:-

There are various types of Satellites, today we are discussing picosat

Size(5cmx5cmx5cm) -1P

Weight-[100-1000) Grams

Other names:- Pocket cube

Various Modules in Satellites:-

1. Power Module:- It takes care of Power Management

2. On-Board computer:- processes Information for the Satellite

3. Communication Module: It helps us communicate with the Ground station

4. Payload Module:- hosts sensors and data recording devices.

By following the above description and adding appropriate Modules we can easily build a Satellite.


  1. Design a simple Lunar Habitat with basic life support systems. (5)

To design a lunar habitat with a life support system we need to add the following functions/module to our habitat.

  1. Life Support Module or oxygen and water generators

  2. Airlock Module 

  3. Hydroponics Module or greenhouse module

  4. Power Generation Module

  5. Communications Module

  6. Research Laboratory Module

  7. Crew Quarters Module or dormitory

  8. Medical Module or infirmary

  9. Storage Module

  10. Waste Management Module

[Draw an appropriate lunar habitat by including all those modules and functions]

  1. Write blink code using arduino. (5)

The blink code for LED connected to pin D6 is given below:

const int ledPin = 6;

void setup() {

  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);


void loop() {

  digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);


  digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);



  1. How can you help the Kathmandu municipality with robotics? Give your idea. (5)

As a 14-year-old living in Kathmandu, I've noticed some problems the city has. I think robots can help with one of these issues. For example, we could use robots to collect trash.

Robotic Waste Collection:

These robots would be like special vehicles that can move around and pick up trash from houses and businesses. They would have sensors and cameras to see where they're going and avoid bumping into things.

These robots could also separate things we can recycle from things we can't, which would help the city recycle more. By using these robots, Kathmandu can keep the city cleaner and make things better for everyone.

[you can also present your own idea]

  1.  How can you build a three-wheeled robot Using SajiloBot? Give your idea. (5)


1. SajiloBot

2. Battery and battery holder

3. Wires and Insulating Tape[Black tape]

4. Bo motors with gear and Wheels





    The body can be made using cardboard or a pre-made cardboard box that can fit SajiloBot inside .Glue the pieces together except the top because we want to put the circuit into the body of  Bot. Make sure that the SajiloBot fits inside the box so that our robot brain is safe.

The size of SajiloBot is 11.5 cm x 9 cm.


First, you need to cut out the shapes. If you don't like this approach, you can use a box that can fit SajiloBot. Glue the pieces together except the top because we want to put the circuit into the body of the bot.


Connect the batteries and motors as shown in the diagram.check the polarity of both motors to ensure both wheels work/turn in the same direction.


    We can code the SajiloBot to accept motor controls from a mobile phone by using Bluetooth Module

  1. What is an Infra-Red sensor? Why is it useful? (5)

An IR sensor, or infrared sensor, is a type of electronic device that detects infrared radiation, which is a type of light that is not visible to the human eye.

 IR sensors typically consist of an emitter, which emits infrared light, and a receiver, which detects the reflected or emitted infrared radiation. When an object comes within the range of the sensor, it reflects or emits infrared radiation, which is then detected by the receiver.


This detection can be used for various purposes, such as proximity sensing, object detection, and motion detection. In the context of robotics projects, IR sensors are commonly used to detect the presence or movement of objects and trigger specific actions based on those detections.


  1. Write code for blinking LED using sajilobot. (5)

  1. What is a smart-city concept?Design a smart city feature using Sajilobot which can be useful in Kathmandu valley.  (5)

A smart city is a city where people use smart devices to automate simple and repetitive tasks

Smart Parking Management System:

Problem: Kathmandu Valley faces challenges related to limited parking spaces, traffic congestion, and inefficient parking management.

Solution: Implement a Smart Parking Management System using Sajilobot,which helps to manage parking spaces by allotting them and automatically charging them and with apps they can guide people towards appropriate parking.

  1. How can you build a simple robot using SajiloBot (5)


1. SajiloBot

2. Battery and battery holder

3. Wires and Insulating Tape[Black tape]

4. Bo motors with gear and Wheels





    The body can be made using cardboard or a pre-made cardboard box that can fit SajiloBot inside .Glue the pieces together except the top because we want to put the circuit into the body of  Bot. Make sure that the SajiloBot fits inside the box so that our robot brain is safe.

The size of SajiloBot is 11.5 cm x 9 cm.


First, you need to cut out the shapes. If you don't like this approach, you can use a box that can fit SajiloBot. Glue the pieces together except the top because we want to put the circuit into the body of the bot.


Connect the batteries and motors as shown in the diagram.check the polarity of both motors to ensure both wheels work/turn in the same direction.


    We can code the SajiloBot to accept motor controls from a mobile phone by using Bluetooth Module

  1.  How to make a game in mBlock.Write code of a game you have learned.(5)

[Add the code and description for snake game]

First we need to take a circle as our snake sprite and also create food and bomb sprites.

Code for snake:

Code for food:

Code for Bomb:

  1. Draw a robotic art that involves SajiloBot and Space (5)

[Draw a picture showing Sajilobot used in moon or mars or as satellites, rockets]

Grade 6:

  1. How can you make LED greeting cards? Explain in detail  (5)

We can easily make a LED greeting card:


1. A4 size Hard Paper

2. Aluminum /Tin foil (Conductive Papers)

3. Coin Cell


5. Scissors

6. LED'S

7. Decorating Materials


    Make appropriate designs to go along with the theme of the card. Design cover page add text stickers and various arts.


How Paper Circuit Works

When the connection is made LED glows

    Using only Basic LED circuits we can construct our paper circuit with Electronics. cut the strips of aluminum and use it as wires/conductors. connect the LED and battery such that when the strips are pressed against each other the LED glows.


    Add finishing details as you like.

The LED greeting card is READY !!!

  1. List 5 easy projects that you can build using Sajilobot and explain in brief. (5)

5 easy projects that can be built using Sajilobot are listed below:

  1. LED blinking light

We can make LED blinking lights by connecting few LEDs to Sajilobot

  1. Buzzer game

By connecting wires between metal and the handle and connecting it to Sajilobot we can make a buzzer maze game

  1. RGB color display

By using RGB LED we can display various colors using Sajilobot

  1. Bluetooth controlled Robot

We can easily create Bluetooth controlled robot by connecting motors to the motor terminal in Sajilobot

  1. Automatic street light

We can make automatic street light by using Built-in LDR sensor.

  1. What Is an LDR sensor? Explain in detail (5)

LDR stands for light dependent resistor. It passes more current when the LDR receives bright light and less current when it is dark so it can be used to determine whether it is day or Night.

We can easily make automatic street light project using LDR sensor

  1. How can you make a Battlebot?explain in detail.(5)

We can easily make battlebot by following the steps below:


1. SajiloBot

2. Battery and battery holder

3. Wires and Insulating Tape[Black tape]

4. Bo motors with gear and Wheels





    The body can be made using cardboard or pre-made cardboard box that can fit SajiloBot inside .Glue the pieces together except the top because we want to put the circuit into the body of Battle Bot. Make sure that the SajiloBot fits inside the box so that our Battle Bots brain is safe in arena.

The size of SajiloBot is 11.5 cm x 9 cm.


First, you need to cut out the shapes. If you don't like this approach, you can use box that can fit SajiloBot. Glue the pieces together except the top because we want to put the circuit into the body of battle bot.


Connect the batteries and motors as shown in the diagram check the polarity of both motors to ensure both wheels work/turn in the same direction.

Add separate battery for weapon or for balloon fight we can use simple spikes. 


    We can code the SajiloBot to accept motor controls from a mobile phone by using Bluetooth Module

  1. How can Robots be utilized in space? Give few examples.(5)

Exploring New Places: Robots go to space to check out planets, moons, and asteroids before humans go there. They take pictures, collect rocks, and tell us what it's like up there.

Fixing Stuff: Sometimes things break in space, like on the International Space Station. Robots can help fix them without astronauts having to go outside and risk their safety.

Building Things: Robots can help put together buildings and other structures in space, like space stations or bases on other planets. They use special tools and materials to do this.

Getting Resources: Robots can find and gather things we need in space, like water from ice on the Moon. We can use these resources for drinking, making air, or even fuel for rockets.

Remote Control: Some robots can be controlled by people on Earth or astronauts in space. They can move around, pick things up, and do tasks just like a person would, but from far away.

Learning About Space: Robots help scientists learn more about space by doing experiments and collecting data. They tell us about the weather on other planets, what asteroids are made of, and lots of other cool stuff.

Carrying Stuff: Robots can carry things from one place to another in space, like supplies or equipment. They help move stuff around so astronauts have what they need.

Helping Astronauts: Robots can assist astronauts during spacewalks by bringing tools or helping them move around safely. They make it easier for astronauts to do their job outside the spacecraft.

Watching Out: Robots keep an eye on things in space to make sure everything's safe. They look for any problems or dangers that might come up.

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