Question and Answers: Block Programming Basics

 Grade 6 and above:

1. what is block programming?

- Block Programming is a method of programming where code is built by dragging and dropping blocks or puzzle-like pieces of code rather than writing lines of text.

2. Give some examples of Block Programming Software/applications.

- Examples of Block programming applications are:

  •  mocks
  • Scratch
  • PictoBlox etc
3. What is a Block palette?
-Block palette refers to a collection of blocks that are available for use in a programming environment.

4. What is the X-axis?
- The x-axis is a horizontal line spanning from left to right in a graph.

5. What is the Y-axis?
-The y-axis is the vertical line spanning top to bottom in a graph.

6. What is a Sprite?
-a sprite refers to an image or graphical object that can be moved, animated, and interacted with within a digital environment. for eg: Characters, Buttons, Skins, etc.

7. What is the purpose of block programming?
-Block programming helps users learn programming concepts and create programs by visual and DRAG DROP methods

8. What are real-world applications of block programming?
- It can be used to control robots, create interactive games, and build quick software prototypes.

9. What do these codes do:
  •    When Green Flag is clicked- Starts the Game/Code

  • Move [10] Steps- Sprite moves 10 steps in the direction it is pointing

  • Forever( )- Inside this loop code will run until we stop the game.

  • When [Space] key Pressed- Runs code when the Space key is pressed

  • If [ key<Space>Pressed] then[Hide]- Sprite hides when Space Key is Pressed

  • Switch costume to [Costume 1]- changes the costume of the sprite to Costume 1

  • Say[Hello !! ] for [5] Seconds - Says Hello !! for 5 seconds.

  • Create a clone of [Myself]- Creates the clone of Sprite.

10. Write a code to switch between two states of costumes.
            Write a code to animate a sprite having two costumes.
        - When Greenflag clicked
                        Switch costume to [costume 1]
                        Wait [1] seconds
                        Switch costume to [costume 2]
                        Wait [1] seconds

11. Write a code to print Hello, How are you today? , Let's do some DragDrop for 3 seconds each and end it with a Goodbye
         - When Greenflag clicked
                -Say[Hello] for [3] Seconds
                -Say[How are you today?] for [3] Seconds
                -Say[Let's do some DragDrop] for [3] Seconds
                -Say[Bye] for [1] seconds

12. Write code to move a sprite left and right using the left and right arrow keys.
         - When Greenflag clicked
                -go to x (0) y (-200)
                -Forever[ If [<Left arrow> pressed] then
                [Change x by (-10)]
If [<Right arrow> pressed] then
                [Change x by (10)]

13. Write code to move a sprite up and down using the W and S keys.
         - When Greenflag clicked
                -go to x (0) y (0)
                -Forever[ If [<W> pressed] then
                [Change y by (10)]
If [<S> pressed] then
                [Change y by (-10)]

14. Write code to hide and show a sprite using the Q and E keys.
         - When Greenflag clicked
                -Forever[ If [<Q> pressed] then
If [<E> pressed] then
15. Write code to move a sprite up and fall back down using Spacebar.
         - When Greenflag clicked
                -go to x (0) y (-200)
                -Forever[ If [<space> key pressed] then
                Repeat [10]
[Change y by (10)]
                Repeat [10]
[Change y by (-10)]

16. Draw a sprite of your choice and color it appropriately
17. Draw a dessert background with cactuses and hills.
18. What game will you make and how players will get the score in the game?
19. How to create your own sprites?
20. What is an animation?
21. What is the core idea behind line following car game(Grade-9)
    /Shark game(Grade-9)
    /Snake game(Grade-9)
    /Bounce the Ball game(Grade-9)
    /chrome dinosaur game(Grade-6 to 9)
    /Jumping Horse Game(Grade-5)
    / Self-driving Car Game(Grade-9)
what does these blocks do:
  • Motion Blocks:

    • "Move [ ] steps": This block moves the sprite (character) a specified number of steps in the direction it is facing.

    • "Turn [ ] degrees": The sprite rotates a certain number of degrees clockwise or counterclockwise.

    • "Go to x: [ ] y: [ ]": This block moves the sprite directly to specific coordinates on the screen.

  • Looks Blocks:

    • "Say [message] for [ ] seconds": The sprite displays a text message for a specified duration.

    • "Show" and "Hide": These blocks control the visibility of the sprite on the screen.

    • "Switch Costume to [ ]": Allows the sprite to change its appearance to a different costume.

  • Sound Blocks:

    • "Play Sound [ ]": This block plays a sound effect or recorded audio.

    • "Play Drum [ ] for [ ] beats": Allows the sprite to play a specific drum sound for a certain number of beats.

    • "Stop All Sounds": This block stops all sounds currently playing.

  • Events Blocks:

    • "When Green Flag Clicked": This block starts the program when the green flag is clicked by the user.

    • "When [key] key pressed": Triggers an action when a specific key on the keyboard is pressed.

    • "When Sprite Clicked": The sprite performs an action when it is clicked by the user.

  • Control Blocks:

    • "Repeat [ ]": This block allows a specific set of actions to be repeated a certain number of times.

    • "Forever": Creates a loop that repeats indefinitely until the program is stopped.

    • "If [ ] Then" and "Else": These blocks control the flow of the program based on specific conditions.

  • Sensing Blocks:

    • "Touching [ ]?": Checks if the sprite is touching another sprite or object.

    • "Ask [ ] and wait": Allows the sprite to ask the user a question and wait for a response.

    • "Mouse X" and "Mouse Y": These blocks provide the x and y coordinates of the mouse cursor.

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