Sajilobot projects using RGB light [2 Easy RGB Projects]



use the above marked pins to use Built in  RGB on Sajilobot
jumper on means the the jumpers must be connected which is near RGB

Project-01 [Display red,green,and blue color  using RGB and Sajilobot]


An RGB led is a type of led consisting of three primary color led in one unit  Which can display any possible color by combining hex values of color.the objective of this experiment is used to display  Red green and Blue colors

Materials Required:

  1. Sajilobot

  2. Jumper wires

  3. Data transmission cable

  4. RGB sensor

  5. Jumper wires

  6. 100 ohm resistor

Circuit diagram:

There are 4 pins on the RGB  with a longer ground pin separating red and green channel, the remaining channel is for Blue. 

Connect The pins as shown in the fig above and remember the Digital pins for each color.We will use that later in code to send color values.

RGB values:

The RGB values stand for Red, Green, Blue color values. It ranges from (0 to 255)

To display red color we can take red value as (255) and both green/blue value as (0)

To display green color we can take green value as (255) and both red/blue value as (0)

To display blue color we can take red value as (255) and both red/green value as (0)

mBlock color picker:

Let's create a color picker in Mblock to mix and Match RGB colors

Step-1:- open mBlock, Delete unnecessary Sprites, and devices

Step- 2- Create a blank sprite called Screen, add pen extension

Step-3;- Create & variables for Red, Green 4 Blue Respectively, convert the variable display to slider.

Step-4 :- Add the following code:-.

Task:Mix colors to display using RGB light


The code for the project is given below:

 // Define  pins for each color,as connected in above circuit

const int red_pin=13;

const int green_pin=12;

const int blue_pin=11;

void setup() {

  // Declare pinmode to set pins as output for receiving our signal

pinMode(red_pin, OUTPUT);

pinMode(green_pin, OUTPUT);

pinMode(blue_pin, OUTPUT);


void loop() {


setcolor(255,0,0);  // sets color to red

delay(1000);  // displays red color for 1 second

setcolor(0,255,0); // sets color to green

delay(1000);  // displays green color for 1 second

setcolor(0,0,255); // sets color to blue

delay(1000);  // displays blue color for 1 second


void setcolor(int R,int G,int B)    // we are creating a function called setcolor which selects the RGB values and sends signals accordingly


  analogWrite(red_pin,R);   // Writing values to red color pin

  analogWrite(green_pin,G); // Writing values to red color pin

  analogWrite(blue_pin,B); // Writing values to red color pin



Select Arduino uno as board and set the port as connected to your computer.


We were able to display red, green and blue colors for 1 second each.

Fig: outputs

Project-02 [Display various colors  using RGB sensor and Sajilobot]


An RGB led is a type of led consisting of three primary color led in one unit  Which can display any possible color by combining hex values of color.the objective of this experiment is used to display  Red green and Blue colors

Materials Required:

  1. Sajilobot

  2. Jumper wires

  3. Data transmission cable

  4. RGB sensor

  5. Jumper wires

  6. 100 ohm resistor

Circuit diagram:

There are 4 pins on the RGB  with a longer ground pin separating red and green channel, the remaining channel is for Blue. 

Connect The pins as shown in the fig above and remember the Digital pins for each color.We will use that later in code to send color values.

Color codes:

Using mBlock mix RGB to produce various colors  and modify the code to display these colors

Examples colors:

lets find these colors using our color picker

We found the colors from above image by using the sliders,let's write RGB values for each color 

Color 1 = R(42)G(223)B(204)

Color 1 = R(111)G(217)B(255)

Color 1 = R(219)G(19)B(58)

Color 1 = R(254)G(70)B(10)

Color 1 = R(0)G(40)B(125)


The code for the project is given below:

 // Define  pins for each color,as connected in above circuit

const int red_pin=13;

const int green_pin=12;

const int blue_pin=11;

void setup() {

  // Declare pinmode to set pins as output for receiving our signal

pinMode(red_pin, OUTPUT);

pinMode(green_pin, OUTPUT);

pinMode(blue_pin, OUTPUT);


void loop() {


setcolor(42,223,204);  // sets color to color 1

delay(1000);  // displays red color for 1 second

setcolor(117,217,255); // sets color to color 2

delay(1000);  // displays green color for 1 second

setcolor(219,19,58); // sets color to color 3

delay(1000);  // displays blue color for 1 second

setcolor(254,70,10); // sets color to color 4

delay(1000);  // displays blue color for 1 second

setcolor(0,40,125); // sets color to color 5

delay(1000);  // displays blue color for 1 second


void setcolor(int R,int G,int B)    // we are creating a function called setcolor which selects the RGB values and sends signals accordingly


  analogWrite(red_pin,R);   // Writing values to red color pin

  analogWrite(green_pin,G); // Writing values to red color pin

  analogWrite(blue_pin,B); // Writing values to red color pin



Select Arduino uno as board and set the port as connected to your computer.


We were able to display 5 colors for 1 second each [Try yourselves for the effect]

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